Monday, July 11, 2022

QUEBEC CITY days 2-4 and getting ready for our train ride

[Disclaimer: This post is about 1 week late.] 

I am awake even after not sleeping until very late. But here it is another beautiful day! We have been so blessed to have great weather almost every single day. Blue skies and sunshine are very cathartic. This is a beautiful country with varied landscape as we travel along. We decided to drive to Quebec. The car was nice and traveling along in beautiful weather provided ample time to talk and visit and begin to catch up on our lives. My sister and I are about 7  years different in our ages and our life experiences have been  totally different with her life in Toronto and my life in Western USA. So, this is good to actually have time to ‘talk’.

There are many people taking advantage of the freedom to move around since Covid has lightened up. We are still required to wear masks in some circumstances but most of the time we can see faces. So, far we have seen such a mix of humanity and often discover that our itineraries are similar. One of the things I like to do is offer my services to take photos of couples or families who are trying to get ‘selfies’. That has been rewarding as I have seen many smiles and heard many expressions of gratitude.

I have also taken many photos, mostly of things in nature as we travel along. But buildings and our food also come into play. I hope you can enjoy some of the photos from our journeying.

As I watch people I observe older couples as they move along together and wonder if they realize how lucky they are to still have their  spouses with them. Steve and I were so blessed in traveling to many places over the years. When he retired people asked if we would now travel and he told them we did not really travel. That immediately became untrue as the next week found us in Hawaii. Since then we travelled to Australia for our mission, and following our mission we spent 8 months traveling in Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany and Denmark on a quest to learn more about family and family history. Not to mention trips to see family in Oregon, British Columbia, Colorado, etc. So we had some great travel times before Steve passed. I am so grateful for those times and for the wonderful memories. Looking through photos bring back those precious memories. I still miss him but I am at peace.

 And now I find myself with this great opportunity to have a trip of a lifetime in Eastern Canada with my sister who is a great travel companion.

Quebec is a beautiful city. I love the old buildings and all the history. We found our lodging, Le Château de Pierre, to be a charming although smaller place. After depositing our luggage we drove to the car rental place to leave our car. There really is no parking to speak of and since we would take the train to our next destination we just left the car so we could walk around without worrying about finding parking or paying for it if we did find it. It was Canada Day and there were many people out and about.

Our room was right on the street although it required steps going down.

We saw many lovely buildings as we walked around. I even absorbed a bit of history as we saw The Plains of Abraham and other sites which factored in the conflict between America and Canada in the battle of 1812, mostly notably Quebec. We walked and walked and walked and got dehydrated regardless of the may times we refilled our water bottles. A friend suggested coconut water or Smart water to help replace the electrolytes aunt hat has helped the cramping muscles.

Château Frontenac is an amazing large hotel. I looked into booking a room here but it was far too high for our budget. But because the breakfast buffet had been recommended we enjoyed Eggs Benedict, along with all of the lovely pastries, fruit, etc that we could eat. However it cost $86 CAD for 2 breakfasts! A bit too rich for our taste

I loved these pansies. I don't think I have seen this kind before.

I had never seen a toboggan slide before! What a clever idea!

This boardwalk in front of the Château Frontenac was awesome!
Not exactly sure why this princess bed appeared in the water. I guess it was an art installation.

Château Frontenac visible from ‘Old Quebec’
Funicular was a not in my vocabulary. It was $4 CAD each way a cool short ride which meant we did not have to do the steps

This is where we sat while I linked to the Zoom for Church services from home.

So, we found this nice little sidewalk cafe for dinner. We had French onion soup, frites sand duck wings.
One of the cute window displays in Old Quebec 

From the boardwalk we could glance down the raised displays and see some of the archaeological items from the dig site under Dufferin Terrace. We toured the site and it was very interesting to learn what had been unearthed 

I loved this great use of old paint cans! They make such great planters!

Cannons poised over the river to protect Quebec against America during the War of 1812.

I thought this was an interesting way to request the crossing light.

This was a new restaurant Le Patate D’Or [The Golden Potato] Their potato menu was very good. Sue had brisket and I had short ribs. Everything was served on top of a very nicely baked potato.
Another interesting art installation.

Looking to the right as we left our doorway. It was such a great location!
This is such a clever sign for a public Restroom!

Waiting for our Uber. We had learned our lesson about pushing our luggage through town.  This Uber was small and cramped, but at least we did not have to battle the hills with our luggage. We  took our luggage to the train station after checking out and left it there while we saw another part of Quebec.

Then it was time to get on the shuttle bus to go to the other train station [Ste. Foy] to begin our long journey from Quebec City to Halifax. It was over 1100 miles and we thought we were pretty clever to travel through the night leaving about 11 PM and getting in the next day at about 6 PM. We booked a sleeper cabin anticipating some rest and our dining car meals for breakfast and lunch. We planned to have dinner on the boardwalk in Halifax.

We had no idea what awaited us!

Our beds were made up when we boarded.

Our cabin in the  morning.

Our tiny but efficient private bathroom - even a shower was available.

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 It has been about 10 months since I last posted. I just have not been able to force myself to write so I haven't - even though many thi...