Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Recently we saw a travel poster which said: “Funny how a picture is worth a thousand words. But actually being here leaves you speechless.” I know this to be true! We have been privileged to experience so many amazing sights that have truly left us speechless. So many times as we have come around a corner we have both gasped at the beauty in front of us. I wonder if it is possible  to become too full of beauty?

After our time at Hopewell Rocks  we travelled on our way to Prince Edward Island. We were happily talking about how great it was to spend time together, how many common interests we have and how nice it was to be able to do whatever we wanted. When we saw a sign for the Acadian Trail we made a quick decision to change our route. What a serendipity!  The road sides were filled with Queen Anne’s lace which was marvelous. There was a large lot filled with  pallets and other abandoned stuff surrounded by the Queen Anne’s Lace and  daisies .We just had to stop for pictures. The scenery then changed to beach views and we even saw a craft store so we stopped and found some fun things. 

We crossed the 9 mile Confederation Bridge and arrived in Prince Edward Island. The first town we stopped at, hoping to find some food to eat, seemed bereft of people or places open to serve us. So we made our way to Charlottetown [We learned the locals call it ‘Sharlton’ ]

Our B&B was on a nice street almost downtown. The parking was ridiculous but Sue managed to maneuver into a spot. For a B&B it had 21 rooms so was quite large. We got ourselves settled and found some food.

Sunday  morning we found a chapel and were able to attend church. The Spirit was strong and it was good to be in Church. I found myself getting very emotional. Where I have spent my whole life being a very emotional person those emotions have been shut up since Steve’s death. But somehow in church that day the flood gates opened and I had so much emotion and so many tears. It was a good release but I am always embarrassed when I am publicly emotional. It was good to be in a setting where my emotions were accepted. It was actually a very healing experience. 

One of the ladies there suggested we should go to Victoria-by-the-Sea. It was a charming little village. We walked on the red sandy beach and I even saved a little sand to take home.

I had a lobster and mango salad  at a little sea side cafe. Although we have not eaten a full lobster dinner with the bib and everything I realize I am not a huge fan of lobster.
It’s is always fun for me to poke around in craft and gift stores. Whenever I travel I like to buy a magnet from the areas I visit so I was on the hunt for a magnet. We drove up to  a little shop in search of a magnet and while Sue parked the car I walked into one part of the building. It turned out to be a shop which primarily sold crosses. They were definitely works of art but since I do not wear crosses I was not interested. The owner was engaging and teased me about not wearing a cross. He told me I was on the slippery slide into hell because I would not wear a cross. He was not offensive but chided me none the less. He had just finished  making a pair of earrings which I liked and bought. The quest to find ear rings for my female posterity continues. Before I left the shop I told him the reason I did not wear a cross was that I did not celebrate the Savior’s death but His resurrection. He used humor to respond but I could tell it was the first time he had ever heard that reason.

Then we went next door where I found a magnet and some fun earrings. Later as we walked into another shop and a conversation ensued about our travel itinerary the shop owner was very interested. She asked Sue for a copy of our itinerary since that is what she and her sister are wanting to do later this year. Sue sent it and out of gratitude the shop owner told us to each pick out a pair of earrings on her. 

The Blue Mussel Cafe had been highly recommended to Sue so we found it and had a nice dinner. I had halibut. And so our time in Prince Edward Island came to a close. My heart is a little further along  the  healing track.

The constant beauty we see is also healing to my soul. Please forgive the many photos but these are just a small sampling.

Lobster traps.

Flowers in the field.
RED sandy beach
I love the weathering.
My halibut dinner
There is just something about these lines and floats.
My lobster and mango salad 
More red sand
Random buildings by the restaurant.
Our B&B
I was intrigued by this red sand.
Victoria-by-the Sea

Loved these.
The Cross shop on the left. An entertaining adventure. 
Modeling her new ear rings. Sadly they broke when she forgot to remove them that evening.
A blast from the past when we came upon ‘choke cherries’ at a way side stop. They were ripe and not so sour as I remembered
These stairs were at one of the shops. The sea glass and shells were so lovely but with the sign there I think people left them alone.
Entrance to the Blue Mussel Cafe. Very busy and tricky to get reservations not to mention parking but good food.

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 It has been about 10 months since I last posted. I just have not been able to force myself to write so I haven't - even though many thi...