Saturday, July 16, 2022


When Sue first told me about Hopewell Rocks it immediately was added to my ‘bucket list’ If you want to look it up it has the highest tides in the world. That sounded so amazing to me. The tides vary depending on the moon when they are at their highest but they rise about 40 feet. When high tide begins to come in it rises 6-8 feet per hour.

The idea of walking on the ocean floor was intriguing and reality did not disappoint. We spent the better part of 2 hours during low tide wandering and exploring along the coast line. I absolutely loved it! We met a lovely couple from Germany who were shooting a documentary about the interaction of people and animals with nature. It was fun to talk with them.

It is really impossible to capture the magnificence in photos. But I tried and here are a few - a lot actually! 

These stairs allowed access to the ocean floor during the almost 6 hours of low tide.

The water was BROWN! It was explained that due to the constant and violent movement of the tides the sediment of the already red earth was always present.

In the footsteps of giants! I loved this formation which reminded me so much of two giant feet.
                                               Lots of brown mud!

                              OK so sometimes we can get goofy! And why not?

This was our accommodation. Not nearly as nice as our previous abode but certainly adequate with good beds and only a few moments from the ‘Rocks’.

                                        Prepping for high tide.
Although we slept an hour or so past the official high tide it was remarkable to see the difference. There was a group of people taking a guided tour in kayaks which looked pretty cool.

                                       So amazingly beautiful.
Fortunately for us there was a shuttle  that drove us up and downtown the trail to the ‘Rocks’. It was well worth the $2 CAD each way

One last look at the mud flats as we got under way.

We stopped by a beautiful cemetery nearby so Sue could pay her respects to a former colleague who is buried there.

And of course I had to stop and check out this cool place. I love old shops and gift stores! While in Quebec I bought a few pair of cool ear rings for my daughters. Then I realized I should have some for each of my daughters, daughters-in-law, grand daughters and great granddaughters which add up for about 32 pair of earrings. So every time we stop I try to find something cool. And I did find stuff here.

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 It has been about 10 months since I last posted. I just have not been able to force myself to write so I haven't - even though many thi...