Wednesday, July 13, 2022


 Kejimkujik - (ke’ jim KU’ jek) just try to say that! It is a Mi’kmak First Nations word that’s means lake of fairies which means a lake with many little islands. It is a National Park and we drove 2 hours from Halifax through a rainy day as quickly as we could to get there in time for our tour of the petroglyphs. Because of the rain the tour was cancelled. But then we saw photographs of the petroglyphs and were not really disappointed to have missed them. They were much more modern than we had thought and almost reminded me of graffiti. There were depictions of people shooting rifles as well as other more modern scenes. Not what I had been expecting.

But the park did not disappoint. We went for a short hike on a path which was canopied by the trees. It was just so beautiful. There was a river along the path which led to a water fall. The water was surprisingly brown. A sign explained that the tannins in the bogs near by created the brown color.

A dreary drive from Halifax.

There is something about being out in nature that lets time stand still and lets my soul breathe. It was so peaceful and serene. Just breathing deeply and enjoying the smell, of the forest was wonderful.

We drove several miles to the end of the road to just look at the trees and ferns. The rain had let up and we just drove slowly with the window open. It was so beautiful and soul filling.

And then it was time to drive a couple of more hours to Lunenburg. Here beckoned a totally new adventure. Each day we do or see something amazing which seems to eclipse our previous experience but each experience really does stand on its own merits. 

We were greeted by a perfectly lovely B&B. Christopher and Joe were perfect hosts in their beautifully appointed home with their yummy hot breakfasts.

Joe was overwhelmed by our luggage. We each had a pretty heavy suitcase as well as our back packs. He suggested we only take out of our suitcases what we needed for our time in a B&B and leave our suitcases in the car to eliminate carry up several stairs. This has been good advice.

Sue helped so much with the luggage as I was having problems with my heel.
I loved this big beautiful old maple tree in the front yard!

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 It has been about 10 months since I last posted. I just have not been able to force myself to write so I haven't - even though many thi...