Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Although the ferry did not leave until 12:30 PM we had to arrive at least 2 hours before. That meant we began our lengthy drive early and we did not stop long for sight seeing along the way. Surprisingly the boarding process actually took a full 2 hours as we waited our turn to go through inspection and be assigned parking lanes to await boarding. After clearing inspection we had time to walk around, use the facilities and check things out. Finally we boarded. We spent the better part of the day just waiting.

We had booked a cabin with berths since we were scheduled for a 7 plus hour ferry ride. This was definitely a travel day. After looking around for awhile we enjoyed some fish and chips in the cafeteria before retreating to our cabin.

 But standing on deck with the wind blowing through my hair had reminded me of the many times Steve and I travelled by ferry- to Vancouver Island, to Sequim to visit our daughter’s family and from Rostock to Denmark on vacation, etc. I missed his arm around me as we stood on deck and I missed him. Even writing this causes tears to well in my eyes. I do miss him, his goodness, his love for me and all the sacrifices he made for me over the years.

We were tired and the gentle motion of the waves lulled Sue asleep almost immediately. Since I was feeling so melancholy missing Steve I could not sleep. Instead I spent the time watching Hallmark movies on our in cabin TV. Definitely did not feel like reading since I get motion sickness and did not want to risk that experience.

Just me on the deck.

We were surprised to see a fox as we waited in line. Since I had never seen a fox before I thought it was pretty cool.

Waiting in line also gave me a chance to dry my pants which I had hand washed at Keltic Lodge the night before. [Truly they are not as big as they seem!] The wind was very helpful and they did get dry as we waited.

We rode on a large 9 deck ferry. Although we had been so early and others came after us we were directed in almost at the end of the process. We were parked on deck 3 and our cabin was on deck 8. Nice to have elevators.

Our cabin was very nice. The bunks were comfortable. We even had our own bathroom complete with shower. [We did not shower.]

After docking [and we were among the first to drive off] we drove to St. Christopher’s hotel in Port Aux Basques. The landscape was so different from what we had experienced on the Cabot trail. After we got settled in our rooms and had eaten a sandwich made from our cooler supplies we took the opportunity to drive around and see the town. Such a small town yet so necessary as a ferry port. It was hours away from any other town.

I have really enjoyed the beautiful skies with their spectacular clouds through out this whole trip.

These cute little buildings were kiosks for food and crafts right on the waterfront. Closed when we got there but I’ll bet they are great when open. It would have been fun to walk around and see the offerings. Loved the colors!

Port Aux Basque was so ROCKY! Many of the yards were full of large rocks. Nothing could have been done to remove the rocks so they are just part of the yards. The town  has its own beauty and I enjoyed driving around but I could not live there.

I find the architecture unique in these Newfoundland towns.

The morning view with the lighthouse in the background 

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 It has been about 10 months since I last posted. I just have not been able to force myself to write so I haven't - even though many thi...