Thursday, March 30, 2023


I sit at my desk and watch the snow flakes come down. They go from hard hail-like flakes, to big fluffy swirling flakes. Last night the weather alternated between raining and snowing - there was actually a little snow on the ground this morning. The roads are  wet, so regardless of what kind of flakes that come, they all quickly meet the same fate of melting.😎

And it is supposed to be spring on March 30. Spring is rather elusive this year.

This has been a crazy week. My X-ray was excellent last week. The vertebrae are perfectly lined up. So, now I can go back to my normal life. I can bend, twist, lift a little, load and unload my dishwasher and all those things I couldn't do for 3 months. I even went to physical therapy and Tai Chi. My stamina is very low so I am trying to build it up. I have been using the tread mill and stationary bike at the club house this week just to try to build some stamina.I suspect there will be a LOT of walking in Paris. But after my trip next week I will start pool therapy which should be helpful. The first day I  started picking things up and bending down to put them away which left  me  exhausted after only 1 hour! Ridiculous!

Of course then I got bronchitis last week which was so annoying. Since I am leaving for Paris in 3 more days I was kind of stressed about getting better in time to go. I am mostly better but just have a lingering cough.

Getting prepared to go to Paris has been stressful. I have not been there before and I like to know what I am doing and where I am going - hence the stress. But I have prepared as well as I can. This will be the first "Grandma Trip" and I look forward to this adventure with my grandson. My suitcase is packed, my meds are under control, the Uber and shuttle have been ordered, etc and we know where we are staying..

This weekend will also  be General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which occurs every 6 months. It is always so wonderful to watch and hear the Prophet and the Apostles and other church leaders speak. I always feel renewed and strengthened. 

The only sad thing is that our departing flights to Paris  were bumped up so we will miss the last session on Sunday to board  our flight. Thank goodness for technology so I can watch the last part at my leisure when I get home. In case you are interested in watching you can go to: 

There will be 3 sessions on Saturday and 2 sessions on Sunday.

I have actually enjoyed the snow this year - maybe because I have not been out in it too much. It really is beautiful and we have had enough snow that the summer should not be in a drought this year.

 I love to look out my bedroom window to see just how much snow there is. My patio furniture has been covered over several times. Sometimes the snow has bridged the space between the chair and the table creating one big loaf. Its fun to see. But I do look forward to spring and hope to plant some sweet peas after this trip.

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