Sunday, February 19, 2023


Several years ago Steve and I spend 4 1/2 months in Wales to research his family history. We stayed in a small village called Pontygwaith
 and often drove to the Glamorgan Archive in Cardiff or the West Glamorgan Archive in Swansea with occasional forays to the archives in Neath, Cowbridge, etc. We also spent some time in Aberystwyth at the National Archives. How we loved immersing ourselves in the old records! It was a thrill to touch and read the old documents. And we found some amazing information.

The countryside of Wales is so lovely with many enclosed green fields dotted with sheep. I loved to see them. It is so very green and just beautiful! One day I wanted to stop and take some pictures of sheep so I pulled off to the side of the road , got out of the car and walked across the road because there were a lot of sheep in the back field. Steve wasn't as excited about the sheep as I was so he patiently waited in the car.

There was a wide metal gate sitting diagonally at the corner of the field. As I walked up to that gate the sheep at the extreme opposite end of the field saw me and started running my direction! Then it seemed they got shy and stopped so I moved and turned just a little and they then began to run again. I have wondered if they hoped I had a treat for them, just didn't know what they were thinking.

Over the next 10 or so minutes they alternated  between running towards me and acting shy. The more bashful sheep stayed somewhere near the middle of the field. But several continued to press forward. Eventually only 3 stuck their heads through the rungs while others milled around. Oh how I laughed at their antics.

I immediately learned two things. The sheep were not really all that cute up close. AND they smelled awful!!! I did not even dare pet them because they smelled so gross. I contented myself with taking a few photos and apologized  for not bringing a treat. Then I crossed the road, walked  back to the car chuckling all the way and drove back home to Pontygwaith. The sheep waited a bit and then gradually moved back into the field. If I had brought a treat for them it might have been even more fun.

It was a very funny experience for me and for some reason I told one of my daughters about it the other day. She reminded me of the many pictures we see of the Savior carrying a lamb. Then she drew the analogy between us and those sheep and how the Savior is always there, willing to pick us up no matter how much we stink.

The more I thought about what she said the more I realized how profound she was. We spend our whole lives getting dirty and smelly, catching ourselves on the difficult experiences and debris of the world. But always the Savior is there to love us, to pick us up, to clean us off through forgiveness and help us come 'home'. Likely the sheep the Savior held did not stink nor will we when we turn to Him.

[I wanted to add a photo of the Savior holding  lamb but it seems copyright law prohibits me from doing so. But I am sure you can see one in your mind 😌]

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